Foreign investors making investment by contributing capital, buying shares, buying capital contribution of business organizations shall comply with regulations in The investment law 2014.
1. Legal basis
2. Content:
Foreign investors may contribute capital to business organizations in manners:
Source: internet
- Buy shares of joint-stock companies through IPOs or additional issuance;
- Contribute capitals to limited liability companies and partnerships;
- Contribute capital to other business organizations not mentioned in the above mentioned cases.
Foreign investors shall buy shares or capital contributions of business organization in manners:
- Buy shares of joint-stock companies from the companies or their shareholders;
- Buy capital contributions to limited liability companies by their members and become members of limited liability companies;
- Buy capital contributions to partnerships by partners and become partners;
- Buy capital contributions to business organizations other than those mentioned the above mentioned cases from their members.
The cotribution of capital, purchase of shares or capital contributions of foreign investors in the manners in that case must satisfy the conditions in point a and point b clause 1 Article 22 of the Investment law.
Besides, an investor shall follow the register the capital contribution, purchase of shares, or capital contributions in the case: the investor contributes capital, buy shares or capital contributions of business organizations engaged in business lines subject to conditions applied to foreign investors; 51% of charter capital of the business organization or more is held by foreign investors an/or business organizations mentioned in clause 1 article 23 of the Investment law after the capital is contributed, or shares/capital contributions are purchased.
Head Office: LK9-38, 5 General Soldier Residence, Tan Trieu, Thanh Tri Hanoi
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