Independence - Freedom – Happiness
January 15, 2018
to the Law on organization of Government dated June 19, 2015;
to the Law on foreign trade management dated June 12, 2017;
the request of the Minister of Industry and Trade;
Government promulgates the Decree on guidelines for the law on foreign trade
management on trade remedies.
Chapter I
Article 1. Scope
Decree details some articles of the Law on foreign trade management on bases
for the conduction, procedures, time limit, contents and bases for the
termination of trade remedy investigation; method for determining the injury to
domestic industry; taking action against evasion of trade remedies; imposition
and review of trade remedies; responsibility for cooperating of relevant
authorities during the investigation; exemption from trade remedies; handling
of trade remedies imposed on the Vietnamese exports.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. Regulatory
bodies competent to investigate, apply and handle trade remedies.
2. Vietnamese
traders, foreign traders, other domestic and foreign agencies, organizations
and individuals relevant to the investigation, appliance and handling of trade
Article 3. Definitions
for terms specified in the Law on foreign trade management, in this Decree,
these terms are construed as follows:
1. Evidence
refers to factual things which are used by the authority investigating trade
remedies as grounds for determining cases of trade remedies.
2. Requesting
party refers to an organization or individual legally representing a domestic
industry that submits a request for applying trade remedies and investigating
evasion of trade remedies.
3. Requested
party refers to a foreign organization or individual producing or exporting
goods who is requested to be applied trade remedies and investigated evasion of
trade remedies by the requesting party or is investigated by the investigating
authority under decisions of the Minister of Industry and Trade.
4. Period
of investigation refers to a period of time determined by the investigating
authority for collection of information, evidences and data to serve the
5. Investigation
phase refers to a period of time for which the investigating authority conducts
the investigation from the date the Minister of Industry and Trade decides to
investigate until the investigation is completed.
6. “Consultation”
means the activity where relevant parties exchange and provide information
about the case with the investigating authority in accordance with law
Article 4. Determination of domestic industry
1. The
determination of domestic industry shall comply with the regulations specified
in Clause 1 Article 69 of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. Volume
and quantity of produced goods which amount to at least 50% of the total
quantity and volume of similar goods or directly competitive products that are
produced domestically shall be treated as constituting a major proportion of
total domestic production of the domestic industry in accordance with Clause 1
Article 69 of the Law on foreign trade management. The investigating authority
may consider a lower proportion if there is evidence that such proportion is
enough to constitute a major proportion of total domestic production of the
domestic industry.
3. In
cases include anti-dumping measure and countervailing measure, producers in a
specific geographic market within the Vietnam territory may be treated as a
domestic industry is the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The
producers in such geographic market sell all or almost all goods they can produce
in the market;
b) The
needs of such geographic market are not satisfied considerably by producers of
similar domestic goods in other geographic market.
In this
case, the investigating authority can still determine the damage even when
similar domestic producers in other geographic markets do not suffer damage if
the investigating authority decides that there are dumping or countervailing
activities that are only happened in such geographic market and they cause
damage to all or almost all producers in such market.
Article 5. Determination of the relationship between the
producers of similar goods and organizations and individuals
importing/exporting goods under investigation of trade remedies
1. The
producers of similar goods are considered relevant to organizations and
individuals importing/exporting goods under investigation of trade remedies in
accordance with Clause 1 Article 69 of the Law on foreign trade management in
the following cases:
a) This
party directly or indirectly controls the other party;
b) Both
parties are directly or indirectly controlled by a third party;
c) Both
parties directly or indirectly control a third party.
2. A
party may be deemed to control another party when that party has the rights to
govern the financial and operating policies of the other party.
Article 6. Return of duty of trade remedy
1. The
return of trade remedies duty shall comply with the regulations specified in
Clause 5 and 6 Article 68 of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. The
duty rates of trade remedies returned in accordance with Clause 1 this Article
shall be interest-free.
3. Procedures
for return of duty of a trade remedy shall be carried out similarly to the
procedures for refund of overpaid import tax in accordance with law provisions
on tax management.
Article 7. Exemption from trade remedies
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall review and exempt trade remedies through
exemption applied to a number of goods on the principle that it does not affect
the overall effectiveness of trade remedies.
2. Organizations
and individuals shall submit an application for exemption of trade remedies
(hereinafter referred to as exemption dossier) using the form promulgated by
the investigating authority to the Ministry of Industry and Trade for reviewing
and exempting trade remedies.
3. Within
07 working days from the receipt of the exemption dossier, the investigating
authority shall notify the organization/individual on the adequacy and validity
of the exemption dossier. If the exemption dossier is not adequate or valid,
the investigating authority shall request the supplementation from the
4. Within
45 days from the receipt of the satisfactory exemption dossier, the Ministry of
Industry and Trade shall review and exempt trade remedies. If the dossier is
rejected, the investigating shall send the organization/individual a written
notification containing the explanation.
5. If
the organization or individual exempted from trade remedies does not comply
with the regulations and conditions for exemption, the Ministry of Industry and
Trade may revoke the decision on exemption of trade remedies and notify the
customs authority in accordance with law provisions.
6. The
Minister of Industry and Trade shall provide specific guidance on cases
exempted from trade remedies.
Article 8. Management of imports subject to investigation of
trade remedies
1. From
the date on which the decision on investigation is issued to the end date of
the trade remedy investigation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade may apply
the import declaration regulations to goods subject to investigation of trade
remedies for investigation. The declaration of import is not limited in
quantity, volume or value of imported goods.
2. The
dossier for declaration of import includes:
Written declaration of import: 01 copy using the form promulgated by the
investigating authority;
Commercial voucher: 01 certified true copy;
Certificate of quality or equivalent documents promulgated by the producer: 01
certified true copy.
3. Within
02 working days from the receipt of the dossier for declaration of import, the
investigating authority shall notify the organization/individual on the
adequacy and validity of the exemption dossier. If the dossier for declaration
of import is not adequate or valid, the investigating authority shall request
the supplementation from the organization/individual.
4. Within
03 working days from the receipt of the satisfactory dossier for declaration of
import, the investigating authority shall send a written confirmation on the
declaration of import to the address mentioned in the application by post.
5. The
customs authority shall cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in
supervising the implementation of the import declaration regulation applied to
goods subject to investigation.
Article 9. Rights and obligations of related parties in a
trade remedy case
1. The
requesting party and the requested party shall have the following rights:
Access information provided by other relevant parties to the investigating
authority, except for confidential information as prescribed in Article 11
b) Send
opinions on draft preliminary conclusion, final conclusion, review conclusion
and conclusion of investigation against evasion of trade remedies within 07
days since the date on which the investigating authority send the draft for
Recommend the investigating authority to extend the time limit for providing
information, the time limit for responding to the questionnaire;
Request for confidentiality of information as prescribed in Article 11 hereof;
Participate in the public hearing and present viewpoints, provide evidences and
documents related to the trade remedy case;
Authorize other party on his/her behalf to participate in the resolution
process of the trade remedy case;
Request the investing authority to organize a separate hearing as prescribed in
Clause 1 Article 13 hereof;
Complaint or file a lawsuit about decisions of the Minister of Industry and
Trade according to law provisions on complaints and lawsuits of Vietnam.
2. The
requesting party and the requested party shall have the following obligations:
Provide sufficiently, truthfully, accurately and promptly the necessary
evidences, information and documents relating to his/her request;
Provide sufficiently, truthfully, accurately and promptly the necessary
evidences, information and documents as requested by the investigating
Execute decisions of the Minister of Industry and Trade.
3. Relevant
parties as prescribed in Article 74 of the Law on foreign trade management are
other than the requesting party or the requested party shall have the following
rights and obligations:
Provide truthful information and necessary documents relating to the trade
remedy case according to his/her viewpoints or at the request of the investing
Request for confidentiality of information as prescribed in Article 11 hereof;
Access information about the trade remedy case of the investing authority, except
for confidential information as prescribed in Article 11 hereof;
Participate in the public hearing and present viewpoints, provide evidences and
documents related to the trade remedy case.
4. Relevant
parties shall not pay fees for participating in handling of trade remedy case
regarding imports to Vietnam.
Article 10. Regulations on the non-cooperation of related
parties in a trade remedy case
1. If a
relevant party refuses to participate in the case, does not provide necessary
evidences or significantly disturbs the completion of the investigation, the
preliminary conclusion and final conclusion regarding such relevant party shall
be based on available information.
2. If a
relevant party provide false or misleading evidences, such evidences shall not
be reviewed and the preliminary conclusion and final conclusion regarding such
relevant party shall be based on available information.
3. Non-cooperating
relevant parties specified in Clause 1 and 2 this Article shall not be exempted
from trade remedies as prescribed in Article 7 hereof.
Article 11. Confidentiality of information
1. The
investigating authority shall public non-confidential information relevant to
the trade remedy case. The publication of information shall be carried out in
an electronic method or other methods that are in accordance with the
infrastructure of the investing authority.
2. The
investing authority shall keep the information provided by relevant parties
confidential, including:
National secrets and other secret in accordance with law provisions;
b) The
information classified as confidential by the supplier and accepted by the
investigating authority.
3. Information
provided by a relevant party must be made into 02 copies which comprise 01 copy
containing public information and 01 copy containing confidential information.
Regarding the confidential information, the relevant party must attach a
detailed explanation of the request for confidentiality of information and a
summary of the contents of the confidential information that may be disclosed
to other relevant parties.
4. In
case the investigating authority refuses the information supplier’s request for
confidentiality of information or where the supplier refuses to provide a
summary of the confidential information as specified in Clause 3 this Article,
the investing authority shall not use such information.
5. Before
the Minister of Industry and Trade decides to investigate, the investing
authority shall restrict disclosure of information about the case.
Article 12. Site investigation
1. The
investigating authority may conduct site investigation to confirm the adequacy,
accuracy and truthfulness of the evidences and information provided by the
relevant party.
2. The
investing authority may only conduct site investigation if it is consented by
the relevant party who are requested to be on-site investigated.
3. The
investing authority must send a notification and contents of the investigation
request to the relevant party who are requested to be on-site investigated
before the site investigation.
4. In
case the site investigation is conducted oversea, the investing authority shall
notify the Government of the country of the enterprise which is investigated
Article 13. Consultation
1. During
the investigation of the imposition of trade remedies, review of trade remedies
and taking action against evasion of trade remedies, the investing authority
may consult separately with a relevant party according to the written request
of such party provided that such consultation shall not affect the time limit
for investigation and review of the case.
2. Before
the end of the investigation, the investing authority shall organize a public
consultation with relevant parties. The investing authority shall notify the
organization of the public consultation to relevant parties at least 30 days
before the consultation.
3. At
least 07 days before the organization of the public consultation, the relevant
parties shall register to participate in the consultation to the investing
authority, in which they may include a document on the issues that need to be
consulted with arguments. Relevant parties are exempted from the consultation
participation fee.
4. Within
07 days from the organization of the public consultation, the relevant parties
shall send a written document on the contents presented at the consultation to
the investing authority.
5. Within
15 days from the organization of the public consultation as specified in Clause
2 this Article, the investing authority shall publish the consultation record
to relevant parties.
Article 14. Provision of information of regulatory bodies and
trade associations of Vietnam
1. The
customs authorities of Vietnam, within their authorities and functions, shall:
Provide data and information of goods under consideration imported to Vietnam
at the request of the investing authority in a timely and adequate manner;
Cooperate with the investing authority in providing anonymous data and
information about the quantity and quality of imports and exports related to
the investigation, imposition and handling of trade remedies at the request of
the enterprise and trade associations. The procedures, costs and cases of
refusal to provide information and other contents shall comply with the Law on
access to information.
2. From
the effective date of the decision on imposition of trade remedies, the customs
authority shall provide information on trade remedy duties, quantity and
quality of imports under trade remedies at the request of the investing
3. Trade
associations and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall, within
their functions and authorities, cooperate with the investing authority in
providing information and data on imports and exports, production and trade of
goods within their competence at the request of the investing authority.
Article 15. Imposition of trade remedies applied to
underdeveloped and developing countries/territories
1. The
imposition of trade remedies applied to goods of an underdeveloped/developing
country or territory shall comply with Clause 2 and 3 of Article 86 and Clause
2 Article 92 of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. The
list of underdeveloped/developing countries shall be determined by the
investing authority based on a reliable database.
Chapter II
Mini section 1. ANTI-DUMPING
Article 16. Method of determining the normal price
1. In
case a similar good is sold in the domestic market of the exporting country in
a significant volume, normal price is the comparable price of the similar good
sold in the domestic market of the exporting country under common commercial
conditions prescribed in Article 17 hereof.
2. In
the absence of similar goods sold on the domestic market of the exporting
country or in case the sale in that country does not allow for a fair
comparison due to the special conditions of that market or the similar goods
are sold on the domestic market of the exporting country with an insignificant
volume, the normal price shall be determined in one of the following methods:
a) The
export price of similar goods to an appropriate third country if the export
price is representative;
b) The
price established by the investing authority according to the reasonable price
of such good plus other reasonable costs and reasonable profits based on each
stage from production to circulation on the market of the exporting country or
a third country.
3. Volume
and quantity of similar goods sold on the domestic market of the exporting
country specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be treated as significant
if it amounts to at least 5% of the total quantity and volume of goods under
consideration exported to Vietnam. The investigating authority may consider a
lower proportion if there is evidence that such proportion is large enough to
carry out a reasonable comparison.
Article 17. Common commercial conditions
similar good is considered being sold in the domestic market of the exporting
country under common commercial conditions except for the following cases:
1. Sales
transaction of similar goods on the domestic market of the exporting country,
or the export transaction to a third country in which their sales price is
lower than the production cost in at least 6 months and their quantity and
number are lower than 20% of the total quantity and number of goods sold
domestically or exported to a third country;
2. Sales
transaction of similar goods on the domestic market of the exporting country,
or the export transaction to a third country which are done between parties
having relationships as prescribed in Article 5 hereof and the sales prices
between those parties do not reflect the market price;
3. Sales
transaction of similar goods on the domestic market of the exporting country or
the export transaction to a third country shall be implemented according to
agreements on netting.
Article 18. Method of determining the export price
1. Export
price refers to the sales price of the goods under consideration exported to
Vietnam according to legal transact8ion vouchers.
2. In
the absence of export price or there are evidences proving that the export
price is unreliable, the investigating authority shall determine the export
price in one of the following methods:
a) The
export price is established based on the price resold to the first independent
customer. The first independent customer refers to a customer that has no
relationship with the concerned producer and exporter specified in Article 5
this Decree;
b) The
export price is established built on other reasonable bases.
3. The
export price shall be treated as unreliable as specified in Clause 2 this
Article if the producer, exporter, importer or a third party having
relationships as prescribed in Article 5 hereof or having agreements on
Article 19. Adjustment of normal price and export price
determining the dumping margin, the investigating authority shall consider the
following adjustments:
1. Adjust
normal price and export price to the same stage in the goods circulation
2. Adjust
normal price and export price to the same calculation time or at the nearest
calculation times;
3. Adjust
normal price and export price when there are differences in tax, sale terms,
commercial levels, volume, physical characteristics and other factors which the
investigating authority deems appropriate;
4. When
exchanging currencies, the investigating authority shall use the exchange rate
at the time of goods sold, unless the exchange rate in the import sale
transaction under forward contract is the exchange rate specified in such
contract. In the event of exchange rate fluctuation, the investigating
authority shall adjust the fluctuation to an appropriate exchange rate in the
period of investigation;
5. Other
adjustments deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
Article 20. Method of determining the dumping margin
1. The
dumping margin is determined according to the difference between the normal
price and the export price as prescribed in Article 16, 17, 18 and 19 of this
2. The
dumping margin shall be determined according to one of the following methods:
Compare the weighted average of the normal price with the weighted average of
the export price;
Compare the normal price with the export price on the basis of each
Compare the weighted average of the normal price with the weighted average of
the export price on the basis of each transaction if there are significant
differences in the export price between buyers, geographical areas and export
3. The
investigating authority shall determine a particular dumping margin for each
foreign producer and exporter in the anti-dumping investigation, except for
cases specified in Clause 4 this Article.
4. In
case the quantity of the requested parties is too large or the category of
goods subject to investigation is too large, the investigating authority may
limit the scope of investigation by the sampling method specified in Article 36
hereof to determine the dumping margin.
5. In
case the investigating authority limits the scope of investigation in
accordance with Clause 4 this Article, the dumping margin shall be applied as
a) The particular dumping
margin applied to goods under consideration of each producer and exporter from
which the sample is drawn and cooperating with the investigating authority in
the investigation phase;
b) The
particular dumping margin applied to goods under consideration of each producer
and exporter from which the sample is drawn but not cooperating or cooperating
inadequately with the investigating authority in the investigation phase;
c) The
particular dumping margin applied to goods under consideration of each producer
and exporter from which the sample is not drawn but voluntarily participating
and cooperating with the investigating authority in the investigation phase;
d) The
particular dumping margin applied to goods under consideration of the remaining
producers and exporters.
Mini section 2. COUNTERVAILING
Article 21. The particularity of subsidies
1. A
subsidy specified in Article 84 of the Law on foreign trade management shall be
treated as particular when such subsidy is applied to a particular
organization, individual or production sector, or such subsidy is applied only
to the organizations, individuals or production sectors in a particular
geographical area of the country under the countervailing measure
2. The
particularity of subsidies shall be determined as follows:
a) There
is a clear restriction for one or a group of organizations/individuals, or for
one or a certain group of production sectors to receive subsidies;
b) The
objective criteria and conditions for receiving subsidies which are defined in
legal documents but not automatically applied in practice;
c) There
is a clear restriction for organizations or individuals in a particular
geographical area;
d) In
case the subsidy is not particular as specified in Point a, b and c this
Clause, the investigating authority may still determine its particularity based
on reviewing factors including the limited number of subsidized enterprises,
the disproportionate allocation of subsidies and the way the authorities
provide subsidies.
3. The
subsidies in accordance with Clause 1 and 2 Article 85 of the Law on foreign
trade management shall be considered particular subsidies.
Article 22. Method of determining the subsidy value
1. Method
of determining the subsidy value is regulated as follows:
a) In
case the subsidy is a nonrefundable allocation, the subsidy value shall be
calculated on the basis of the actual value of the allocation granted to the
subsidized organizations/individuals;
b) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form of a loan provided by the Government or
public sectors, the subsidy value shall be calculated on the basis of the
difference between the payable interest rate applicable to such loan under
market conditions and the interest rate actually paid by the
c) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form of loan guarantee provided by the
Government or public sectors, the subsidy value shall be calculated on the
basis of the difference between the payable interest rate applicable to
non-guaranteed loan and the actual interest rate applicable to guaranteed
d) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form of share transfer or direct capital
transfer by the Government or public sectors, the subsidy value shall be
calculated on the basis of the capital amount actually received by the
dd) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form under which the Government or public
sector purchase goods/services at prices higher than the market price for the
organization/individual, the subsidy value shall be calculated on the basis of
the difference between the market prices and the actual prices paid by the
Government or public sectors for such goods/services;
e) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form under which the Government or public
sector provide goods/services at prices lower than the market price to the
organization/individual, the subsidy value shall be calculated on the basis of
the difference between the market prices and the sale prices of the Government
or public sectors to the organization/individual;
g) In
case the subsidy is granted in the form under which the Government or public
sectors ignore or not collect the payables of the organization/individual, the
subsidy value shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the
amount payable in accordance with law provisions and the amount actually paid
by the organization/individual.
2. The
value of subsidy granted in other forms shall be calculated in an equitable,
reasonable manner and not contrary to international practices.
Article 2. Determination of damage to the domestic industry
Article 23. Determination of significant damage to the
domestic industry
1. The
determination of significant damage to the domestic industry must be carried
out according to the following factors:
a) The
absolute or relative increase of the volume and quantity of goods dumped and
subsidized for import into Vietnam as compared to the volume and the quantity
of similar goods domestically produced or consumed;
b) Price
depression and price suppression of goods under consideration imported to
Vietnam regarding the sale price of similar goods domestically produced;
c) The
impact of the dumped or subsidized goods on the status of production and
business activities of the domestic industry, including actual decline,
potential decline of revenue, sales volume, profit, quantity, market share,
capacity, productivity, investment; factors affecting the domestic sale price;
the magnitude of the dumping margin, the level of subsidy; actual and potential
adverse impacts on cash flow, inventory, labor, wages and capacity of raising
d) Other
2. The
determination of significant damage to the domestic industry must be carried
out according to specific evidences.
Article 24. Determination of threat to cause significant
damages to the domestic industry
1. The
determination of threat to cause significant damages to the domestic industry
must be carried out according to the following factors:
a) The
absolute or relative increase of the volume and quantity of goods dumped and
subsidized for import into Vietnam as compared to the volume and the quantity
of similar goods domestically produced or consumed;
b) The
production capacity of the foreign producer or exporter is large enough or may
increase significantly in the near future, leading to a significant increase in
the volume and quantity of goods under consideration imported into Vietnam;
c) The
dumped or subsidized imports to Vietnam significantly reduce prices, or adjust
prices to stay at a significant level, or prevent substantial increases in the
selling price of similar domestic goods, resulting in the increase in demand
for imported goods;
Inventory data of goods under consideration;
Other factors.
2. The
review of the factors specified in Clause 1 of this Article shows the actual
possibility of increasing the import of dumped and subsidized goods and if no
anti-dumping or countervailing measures are applied, significant damages will
3. The
determination of threat to cause significant damages to the domestic industry
must be carried out according to specific evidences.
Article 25. Determination of significant obstruction to the
establishment of the domestic industry
1. The
determination of establishment of the domestic industry shall be carried out
according to the following factors:
Characteristics of the domestic industry;
Operation period of the domestic industry;
Business scale of the domestic industry comparing to the whole market;
Reasonable financial break-even point of the domestic industry;
dd) The
manufacturing industry being considered a new manufacturing industry or an
expansion of the existing manufacturing chain;
e) Other
factors deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
2. The
determination of significant obstruction to the establishment of the domestic
industry specified in Clause 1 this Article shall be carried out according to
the following factors:
a) Plan
of the domestic industry;
Production capacity and yield;
Quantity and volume of goods sold domestically;
Market share, revenue, profit;
Sales prices of similar domestic goods;
Exportation of similar goods and import of goods under investigation;
h) Labor
and wages;
i) Other
factors deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
3. The
determination of significant obstruction to the establishment of the domestic
industry must be carried out according to specific evidences.
Article 26. Principles of aggregate review
1. In
case the goods under consideration are imported from two or more
producing/exporting countries, the investigating authority may determine the
aggregated damage to the goods under consideration.
2. The
aggregate review of effect of goods under consideration must consider the
competition conditions between the goods under consideration and the
competition conditions between the goods under consideration and similar goods
domestically produced.
3. The
aggregate review specified in Clause 1 this Article does not include the
countries with dumping margin and level of subsidies specified in Clause 2, 3
Article 78 and Clause 2, 3 Article 86 of the Law on foreign trade management.
Article 27. Determination of the causal relationship between
dumped/subsidized imports and the damage to domestic industry
determining the causal relationship between dumping on imports/import subsidies
and the significant damage, threat to cause significant damage to domestic
industry or significant obstruction to the establishment of a domestic
industry, the investigating authority shall review the following contents:
1. The
dumping on imports/import subsidies cause significant damage, threat to cause
significant damage to domestic industry or significant obstruction to the
establishment of a domestic industry.
2. Factors
other than the dumping on imports/import subsidies which cause or may cause
significant damage or significant obstruction to the establishment of a
domestic industry shall not be considered as an effect cause by the dumped or
subsidized goods, including:
a) The
volume and quantity of similar goods imported into Vietnam which are not dumped
or subsidized;
b) The
decline in consumer demand or the change in the form of consumption of similar
goods domestically produced;
c) Trade
restriction policy;
d) The
development of technology;
Exportability and productivity of the domestic industry;
e) Other
factors deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
Article 28. Application for imposition of anti-dumping
1. The
application for imposition of anti-dumping measure includes a written request
for imposition of anti-dumping measure and related documents.
2. The
written request for imposition of anti-dumping measure includes the following
a) Name,
address and other necessary information of the organization/individual representing
the domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences for determining the representative of the
domestic industry, including list of domestic organizations and individuals
producing similar goods; volume and quantity of similar goods produced by the
above organizations and individuals;
c) Names
and addresses of organizations and individuals producing similar goods
supporting or opposing the case;
Description of the imports subject to investigation of imposition of
anti-dumping measures, including scientific names, trade names, common names;
ingredient; basic physical and chemical characteristics; production process;
main purpose; Vietnam and international standards/regulations; codes of goods
in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective
import tax rates applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in
each period;
Description of similar goods of the domestic industry, including scientific
names, trade names, common names; basic physical and chemical characteristics;
main purpose; Vietnam and international standards/regulations;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of the imports specified in Point
d of this Clause within 12 months prior to the submission of dossiers;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of similar goods of the domestic
industry specified in Point dd of this Clause within 12 months prior to the
submission of dossiers; except where the domestic industry operates less than
12 months;
Information on the normal price and export price of the described goods in
accordance with Point d this Clause; dumping margin of the imports subject to
investigation of anti-dumping measures;
Information, data and evidences on significant damage, threat to cause
significant damage to domestic industry or significant obstruction to the
establishment of a domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences on the causal relationship between the import
of goods specified in Clause d this Point and the damage to domestic industry
significant damage, threat to cause significant damage to domestic industry or
significant obstruction to the establishment of a domestic industry;
Information on the exporting country or the origin of goods subject to
investigation of anti-dumping measures, including a specific list of foreign
producers, exporters and importers;
Specific requirements on the imposition of anti-dumping measures, the duration
and the extent of imposition.
Article 29. Application for imposition of countervailing measure
1. The
application for imposition of countervailing measure includes a written request
for imposition of countervailing measure and related documents.
2. The
written request for imposition of countervailing measures includes the
following contents:
a) Name,
address and other necessary information of the organization/individual
representing the domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences for determining the representative of the
domestic industry, including list of domestic organizations and individuals
producing similar goods; volume and quantity of similar goods produced by the
above organizations and individuals;
c) Names
and addresses of organizations and individuals producing similar goods
supporting or opposing the case;
Description of the imports subject to investigation of imposition of
countervailing measures, including scientific names, trade names, common names;
ingredient; basic physical and chemical characteristics; production process;
main purpose; Vietnam and international standards/regulations; codes of goods
in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective
import tax rates applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in
each period;
Description of similar goods of the domestic industry, including scientific
names, trade names, common names; ingredient; basic physical and chemical
characteristics; main purpose; Vietnam and international standards/regulations;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of the imports specified in Point
d of this Clause within 12 months prior to the submission of dossiers;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of similar goods of the domestic
industry specified in Point dd of this Clause within 12 months prior to the
submission of dossiers; except where the domestic industry operates less than
12 months;
Information and evidences of foreign subsidies, including the existence of
subsidies; the allegedly subsidizing country; name and address of the foreign
organization or individual accused of receiving the subsidies; form and policy
of subsidy; quantity, volume and value of the subsidy;
Information, data and evidences on significant damage, threat to cause
significant damage to domestic industry or significant obstruction to the establishment
of a domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences on the causal relationship between the import
of goods specified in Clause d this Point and the damage to domestic industry
significant damage, threat to cause significant damage to domestic industry or
significant obstruction to the establishment of a domestic industry;
Specific requirements on the imposition of countervailing measures, the
duration and the extent of imposition.
Article 30. Receipt of application for imposition of anti-dumping
measure/countervailing measure
1. Within
15 days from the receipt of the application for imposition of anti-dumping
measures/countervailing measures (hereinafter referred to as application), the
investigating authority shall notify the organization/individual on the
adequacy and validity of the application. If the application is not adequate or
valid, the investigating authority shall request supplementation from the
2. The
time limit for supplementation of the application is decided by the
investigating authority but not lower than 30 days from the notification of
Article 31. Verification of application for imposition of
anti-dumping measure/countervailing measure
1. The
verification of the application and issuance of decision on investigation shall
comply with Clause 2 Article 70 of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. Contents
of the verification of application include:
Determine the legal representative status of a domestic industry of the organization
or individual submitting the application as provided for in Clause 2 of Article
79 and Clause 2 of Article 87 of the Law on foreign trade management.
Determine evidences of the dumping on goods/good subsidies imported to Vietnam
which causes significant damage, threat to cause significant damage to domestic
industry or significant obstruction to the establishment of a domestic
Article 32. Decision on the investigation for imposition of
anti-dumping measure and countervailing measure
decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade on anti-dumping and
countervailing investigation shall include the following contents:
1. Specific
description of the goods under consideration, codes of goods in accordance with
the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective import tax rates
applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in each period;
2. Information
on organizations and individuals producing similar goods subject to imposition
of anti-dumping measure/countervailing measure;
3. Summary
of the information on the dumping on goods/good subsidies imported to Vietnam
which causes significant damage, threat to cause significant damage to domestic
industry or significant obstruction to the establishment of a domestic industry;
4. Procedures
of the anti-dumping and countervailing investigation.
Article 33. Preparation of application for imposition of
anti-dumping measure/countervailing measure in the absence of requesting party
1. If no
one requests for investigation but there are clear evidences of the dumping on
goods/good subsidies imported to Vietnam which causes or may causes significant
damage to domestic industry, the investigating authority shall prepare an
application for imposition of anti-dumping measures/countervailing measures and
submit it to the Minister of Industry and Trade for reviewing and deciding the
2. The
application prepared by the investigating authority must ensure the contents
specified in Article 28 and 29 hereof (Except for Point a, b and c Clause 2).
3. Relevant
organizations and individuals must cooperate and provide necessary information
at the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Article 34. Period of investigation
1. The
period of anti-dumping and countervailing investigation is 12 months. In
special cases, the investigating body may determine another investigation
period but not less than 06 months.
2. The
investigation period for determining damage is at least 03 years and it must
cover the whole period of anti-dumping and countervailing investigation. In
case the related party has less than 3 years of operation, the data collected
will be the entire operation duration of such related party up to the time the
decision is made.
Article 35. Investigation questionnaire
1. Within
15 days after the issuance of the investigation decision of the Minister of
Industry and Trade, the investigating authority shall send the investigation
questionnaire to the following subjects:
Producers of similar domestic goods;
Foreign producers and exporters exporting goods subject to anti-dumping and
countervailing investigation into Vietnam which the investigating authority
c) The
representative in Vietnam of the government of the country producing and
exporting goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing investigations;
Importers of goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing investigations;
Other related parties.
2. Within
30 days after receiving the investigation questionnaires, the concerned parties
must provide written replies to all questions in the questionnaire. In case of
necessity or there are written requests for extension with reasonable reasons
from the concerned parties, the investigating authority may extend the time
limit but not more than 30 days.
3. The
investigation questionnaires shall be considered having reached the recipients
after 07 days from the date on which they were sent by the investigating
authority. The sending date shall be determined according to the postmark.
Article 36. Sampling
1. In
case the quantity of foreign producers and exporters, domestic importers and
producers is too large or the category of goods subject to anti-dumping
measures/countervailing measures is too large, the investigating authority may
limit the scope of investigation.
2. The
limitation of the scope of investigation must comply with the following
a) The
scope of investigation shall be limited by the method of selecting appropriate
statistical samples on the basis of the volume and quantity of goods subject to
anti-dumping or countervailing measures produced or exported into Vietnam by
the requested party or the information obtained by the investigating authority
at the time of sampling;
b) When
selecting sample, the investigating authority may consult with the requested
party, the importers involved in the sampling and receive consent of the
requested party on the sampling.
Article 37. Imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax and
countervailing tax
1. The
imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax, countervailing tax, tax rate, the tax
imposition time limit and the extension of the tax imposition time limit shall
comply with the regulations specified in Clause 1 Article 81 and Clause 1
Article 89 of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. The
decision on imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax
includes the following contents:
Description of the imports subject to imposition of anti-dumping tax and
countervailing tax, including names, basic characteristics and main purpose,
codes of goods in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam
and the effective import tax rates applied according to current export tariff
and import tariff;
Names, addresses and other necessary information of producers and exporters of
goods subject to imposition of temporary anti-dumping and countervailing tax;
c) Name
of the country producing and exporting goods subject to imposition of
anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax;
Temporary anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax rates;
Effective date and duration of the imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax and
countervailing tax;
Procedures and dossiers for examination and imposition of temporary anti-dumping
tax and countervailing tax.
3. The
temporary anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax shall be imposed after 60
days since the issuance of the decision on investigation of the Minister of
Industry and Trade.
4. In
case the temporary anti-dumping tax, countervailing tax are imposed at a lower
rate compared to the dumping margin/level of subsidies in the preliminary
conclusion or in case the exporting organizations and individuals of goods
under consideration imported into Vietnam request for extension of the
imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax, countervailing tax and the volume and
quantity of goods under consideration of the requesting exporters account for a
considerable proportion of the total volume and quantity of goods under
consideration imported into Vietnam, The Minister of Industry and Trade may
extend the period of imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax and
countervailing tax, but the extension shall not exceed 60 days.
Article 38. Imposition of commitment measures in the
anti-dumping and countervailing investigation
1. After
the Minister of Industry and Trade issues the decision on imposition of
temporary anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax and within 30 days before the
end of the investigation phase, the producers and exporters of goods under
consideration or the Government of the requested party in case of
countervailing investigation (hereinafter referred as ‘requesting party’) may
send written commitments to eliminate dumping and subsidies) (hereinafter
referred to as ‘commitment’) to the investigating authority.
2. The
commitment includes the following contents:
a) Scope
of goods;
Reference prices include self-determined prices, price increases and price
adjustment options;
Periodic notification obligation;
Obligation to cooperate with the investigating authority in the implementation
of the commitments;
Other contents deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
3. Within
30 days after the receipt of the commitments, the investigating authority shall
review and report to the Minister of Industry and Trade for decision.
4. The
commitment shall be considered on the following basis:
Whether the imposition of the commitments can overcome the significant damage,
threat to cause significant damage to domestic industry or significant
obstruction to the establishment of a domestic industry;
Whether the existing management mechanism can effectively monitor the
implementation of commitments;
Ability to evade anti-dumping, countervailing measures through commitments;
d) Other
factors deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
5. The
investigating authority shall only review the commitments of the requesting
parties who have sufficiently cooperated during the investigation period.
During the review of the commitments, the investigating authority may request
for adjustment of the commitments. If the requesting party agrees to adjust the
commitment, the requesting party must send the adjusted commitment to the
investigating authority.
6. The
investigating authority shall public the commitments to involved parties. The
involved parties may submit written opinions within the time limit specified in
the notice. If the commitment contains confidential information, the requesting
party shall implement security as prescribed in Articled 11 hereof.
Article 39. Decision on the commitment to eliminate dumping
and subsidies
1. Based
on reports of the investigating authority, the Minister of Industry and Trade
shall issue a decision on accepting or rejecting the commitment of the
requesting party. If the commitment is rejected, reasons must be included.
2. The
decisions specified in Clause 1 this Article must be published to involved
parties by appropriate methods.
3. After
the issuance of the decisions specified in Clause 1 this Article, the
investigating authority shall continue the investigation and issue the final
conclusion as follows:
a) In
case the final conclusion of the investigating authority determines that there
is no dumping or subsidy or no significant damage, threat to cause significant
damage to domestic industry or significant obstruction to the establishment of
a domestic industry, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall issue a decision
on termination of the case and the implementation of the commitment;
b) In case
the final conclusion of the investigating authority determines that there is
dumping or subsidy or no significant damage, threat to cause significant damage
to domestic industry or significant obstruction to the establishment of a
domestic industry, the commitment shall continue to be implemented according to
the provisions of the commitment.
Article 40. Monitoring the implementation of commitments
1. When
the commitment is approved, the requesting party shall be monitored by the
investigating authority in the implementation of the commitment.
2. The
investigating authority shall monitor the implementation of commitments as
Request the requesting party to periodically provide information and documents
related to the implementation of the commitment and prove the accuracy of such
information and documents;
Periodically compare the information provided by the requesting party on
quantity, volume and prices of goods subject to the commitment imported to
Vietnam with the information provided by the customs authority;
Conduct site investigation to the requesting party if necessary;
d) Check
the information with the importers of the requesting party;
Other forms deemed appropriate by the investigating authority.
Article 41. Violation of the implementation of commitments
implementation of commitment shall be considered to have committed violation in
the following cases:
1. The
requesting party imports goods under consideration into Vietnam at a price
lower than committed;
2. The
requesting party does not periodically provide information on the
implementation of commitment as specified in the commitment;
3. The
requesting party does not cooperate with the investigating authority in the
verification and site investigation of the information provided periodically by
the requesting party;
4. The
information and data on the implementation of commitment provided by the
requesting party are not accurate;
5. The
requesting party evades the applied anti-dumping and countervailing measures;
6. The requesting
party arbitrarily canceled the commitment but did not inform the investigating
authority as prescribed in Clause 3 Article 42 hereof;
7. Other
cases determined by the investigating authority.
Article 42. Cancellation of the implementation of commitments
commitment is cancelled in the following cases:
1. The
requesting party committed violations as prescribed in Article 41 hereof;
2. The
investigating authority requests for cancellation of commitment implementation;
3. The
requesting party requests for cancellation of commitment. The request may
request the cancellation of the commitment at any time during the effective
period of the commitment provided that the cancellation must be notified to the
investigating authority at least 30 days before the cancellation.
Article 43. Imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing
measures after the cancellation of commitment implementation
1. If
the cancellation of commitment implementation complies with the regulations
specified in Clause 1 Article 42 of this Decree, the Minister of Industry and
Trade may apply the official anti-dumping and countervailing measures based on
information available and retroactively applied to the goods of the requesting
party committing violations.
2. If
the cancellation of commitment implementation complies with the regulations
specified in Clause 2 and 3 Article 42 of this Decree, the imposition of
anti-dumping and countervailing measures shall be implemented as follows:
a) If
the cancellation of commitment implementation is carried out during the
effective period of the imposition of temporary anti-dumping and countervailing
measures, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall cancel the commitment
implementation and notify the customs authority to impose the temporary anti-dumping
and countervailing measures based on preliminary conclusions.
b) If
the cancellation of commitment implementation is carried out during the
effective period of the imposition of official anti-dumping and countervailing
measures, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall cancel the commitment
implementation and notify the customs authority to impose the official
anti-dumping and countervailing measures based on final conclusions.
Article 44. Imposition of official anti-dumping measure and
countervailing measure
1. Within
15 days from the day on which the investigating authority send the final
conclusion to the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Industry and
Trade shall issue a decision on the case.
2. The
decision on imposition of official anti-dumping measures and countervailing
measures includes the following contents:
Description of the imports subject to imposition of countervailing measures and
anti-dumping measures, including scientific names, trade names, common names;
ingredient; basic physical and chemical characteristics; production process;
main purpose; Vietnam and international standards/regulations; codes of goods
in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective
import tax rates applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in
each period;
Names, addresses and other necessary information of producers and exporters of
goods subject to imposition of official anti-dumping and countervailing
c) Name
of the country producing and exporting goods subject to imposition of official
anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures;
d) The
investigation conclusions suggesting the need to impose the official
anti-dumping measure and countervailing measure;
Specific official anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures;
Effective date and duration of imposition of official anti-dumping measures and
countervailing measures;
g) Tax
difference to be refunded (if any);
Procedures and dossiers for examination and imposition of official anti-dumping
measures and countervailing measures.
Article 45. Imposition of retroactive anti-dumping tax and
countervailing tax
1. The
imposition of retroactive anti-dumping tax, countervailing tax shall comply
with the regulations specified in Clause 4 Article 81 and Clause 4 Article 89
of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. The
imposition of retroactive anti-dumping tax, countervailing tax shall be
reviewed at the request of the requesting party on the sudden increase in the
volume and quantity of goods under consideration imported into Vietnam during
the period from the date of issuance of the investigation decision to the
imposition of temporary anti-dumping tax and countervailing tax which may cause
damages that are hard to recover from to the domestic industry
3. If
the official anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates are higher than the
temporary anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates, the retroactive tax rates
shall be equal to the temporary anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates
4. If
the official anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates are lower than the
temporary anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates, the retroactive tax rates
shall be equal to the official anti-dumping, countervailing tax rates
Chapter III
Article 46. Bases for conducting investigations
1. The
Minister of Industry and Trade shall conduct investigation after receiving the
dossiers requesting the imposition of safeguard measures from the organizations
and/or individuals representing the domestic industry on the condition that the
total volume and quantity of similar goods or directly competitive goods
produced by domestic producers submitting such dossiers or domestic producers
supporting the request for imposition of safeguard measures accounting for at
least 25% of the total quantity and volume of similar goods or directly
competitive goods produced domestically.
2. The
Minister of Industry and Trade shall issue a decision on investigation if the
investigating authority prepares evidences proving the necessity to impose
safeguard measures.
Article 47. Application for imposition of safeguard measures
1. The
application for imposition of safeguard measures (hereinafter referred to as application)
includes a written request for imposition of safeguard measures and related
2. The
written request for imposition of safeguard measures includes the following
a) Name,
address and other necessary information of the organization/individual
representing the domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences for determining the representative of the
domestic industry, including list of domestic organizations and individuals
producing similar goods or directly competitive goods; volume and quantity of
similar goods or directly competitive goods produced by the above organizations
and individuals;
c) Names
and addresses of organizations and individuals producing similar goods
supporting or opposing the case;
Description of the imports subject to investigation of imposition of safeguard
measures, including scientific names, trade names, common names; ingredient;
basic physical and chemical characteristics; production process; main purpose;
Vietnam and international standards/regulations; codes of goods in accordance
with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective import tax
rates applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in each
Description of similar goods or directly competitive goods of the domestic
industry, including scientific names, trade names, common names; ingredient;
basic physical and chemical characteristics; main purpose; Vietnam and
international standards/regulations;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of the imports specified in Point
d of this Clause within 03 years prior to the submission of dossiers;
Information on the volume, quantity and value of similar goods or directly
competitive goods of the domestic industry specified in Point dd of this Clause
within 03 years prior to the submission of dossiers; In case the domestic
industry has less than 3 years of operation, the data collected will be the
entire operation duration of such domestic industry up to the time of
submission of the application;
Information, data and evidences on serious damage or threat to cause serious
damage to the domestic industry;
Information, data and evidences on the causal relationship between the imports
of goods specified in Clause d this Point and the serious damage to the
domestic industry or threat to cause serious damage to the domestic industry;
Specific requirements on the imposition of safeguard measures, the duration and
the extent of imposition.
Article 48. Preparation of application for imposition of safeguard
measures in the absence of requesting party
1. If no
one requests for investigation but there are clear evidences of excessive
import of goods into Vietnam which causes or may causes serious damage to the
domestic industry, the investigating authority shall prepare an application for
imposition of safeguard measures and submit it to the Minister of Industry and
Trade for reviewing and deciding the investigation.
2. The
application prepared by the investigating authority must ensure the contents
specified in Article 47 hereof (Except for Point a, b and c Clause 2).
3. Relevant
organizations and individuals must cooperate and provide necessary information
at the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Article 49. Verification of application
1. Within
15 days after the receipt of the application, the investigating authority shall
review the adequacy and validity of such application.
2. If
the application is not adequate or valid, the investigating authority shall
request the supplementation from the organization/individual. Organizations and
individuals shall supplement the missing contents at the request of the
investigating authority within 30 days since the issuance of such request.
3. Within
45 days from the receipt of the satisfactory application, the Ministry of
Industry and Trade shall review and send it to the Minister of Industry and
Trade for decision of investigation. In case of necessity, the issuance of the
investigation decision may be extended but not more than 30 days.
4. Contents
of the verification of application include:
Determine the legal representative status of a domestic industry of the
organization or individual submitting the application as provided for in Clause
1 of Article 46 hereof;
Determine evidences of the excessive import of goods into Vietnam which causes
or may cause serious damage to the domestic industry.
Article 50. Decision on the investigation for imposition of
safeguard measures
decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade on safeguard investigation shall
include the following contents:
1. Specific
description of the goods under consideration, codes of goods in accordance with
the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective import tax rates
applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in each period;
2. Names
of the enterprises and representatives of domestic organizations and
individuals producing similar goods or directly competitive goods subject to
imposition of safeguard measure;
3. Summary
of the information on the increase in import of goods under consideration;
4. Serious
damage or threat to cause serious damage to the domestic industry due to the
increase in import
Article 51. Determination of serious damages and threat to
cause serious damages to the domestic industry
1. When
determining the serious damages and threat to cause serious damages to the
domestic industry, the investigating authority shall consider the following
a) The
absolute or relative increase of the volume and quantity of imported goods as
compared to the volume and the quantity of similar goods or directly
competitive goods domestically produced;
b) The
rate of increase in volume and quantity of the imports specified in Point a of
this Clause due to the impact of unforeseen developments;
Effects on price of imports under consideration regarding the prices of similar
goods or directly competitive goods domestically produced;
Effects of the increase in import of goods under consideration on the domestic
industry through the following factors: Market share, revenue, output, design
capacity, utilized capacity, profit, labor, inventory and other factors deems
appropriate by the investigating authority.
2. The
determination of serious damages and threat to cause significant damages to the
domestic industry must be carried out according to specific evidences.
3. The
investigation period for determining serious damage or threat to cause serious
damage to the domestic industry is 03 years. In case the domestic industry has
less than 3 years of operation, the data collected will be the entire operation
duration of such domestic industry up to the time of issuance of the
investigation decision by the Minister of Industry and Trade.
Article 52. Imposition of temporary safeguard measures
1. Based
on the preliminary conclusion, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall impose
the temporary safeguard measures upon the following factors:
a) There
is an excessive increase in the import of goods under consideration;
b) The
domestic industry is suffered from serious damage or threatened with serious
c) The
excessive increase in the import of goods specified in Point a of this Clause
causes or may cause serious damage to the domestic industry;
d) The
delay in imposition of safeguard measures causes or may cause serious damage to
the domestic industry that are hard to recover from later.
2. Temporary
safeguard measures shall be applied only in the form of additional import
3. The
decision on imposition of temporary safeguard measures shall be published with
the following contents:
Specific description of the goods subject to safeguard measures, codes of goods
in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective
import tax rates applied according to the current export tariffs and import
b) List
of countries exempting from imposition of temporary safeguard measures;
Temporary safeguard tax rate;
Duration of imposition of temporary safeguard measures;
Information and evidences proving the increase in import of goods under
consideration causes or may cause serious damage to the domestic industry.
Information and evidences proving the delay in imposition of safeguard measures
causes or may cause serious damage to the domestic industry that are hard to
recover from later.
Procedures and dossiers for examination and imposition of temporary safeguard
4. The
Minister of Industry and Trade may suspend the imposition of safeguard measures
ahead of time if necessary.
Article 53. Imposition of official safeguard measures
1. Within
15 days from the day on which the investigating authority send the final
conclusion, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall issue an official decision
on the case.
2. The
decision on imposition of official safeguard measures includes the following
Description of the imports subject to imposition of official safeguard
measures, including names, basic characteristics and main purpose, codes of
goods in accordance with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the
effective import tax rates applied according to current export tariff and
import tariff;
Official safeguard measures;
Effective date and duration of imposition of official safeguard measures;
d) The
refund of safeguard tax difference (if any);
Procedures and dossiers for examination and imposition of official safeguard
e) The
investigation conclusions suggesting the need to impose the official safeguard
Article 54. Regulations on imposition of import quotas,
tariff-rate quotas
If the
Minister of Industry and Trade impose official safeguard measures through
import quotas and tariff-rate quotas, the following contents shall be applied:
1. Quantity
and volume of import quotas and tariff-rate quotas are not lower than the
quantity and volume of the average imports of the last 03 years with import
data, unless the investigating authority has reasonable arguments that it is
necessary to have a lower volume or quantity of import quotas to prevent or
overcome serious damage or threat to cause serious damage
2. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall allocate quotas among exporting countries
based on the total volume and quantity of goods exported by the exporting
countries into Vietnam in the last three years with import and taking into
account of the special factors affecting the trading.
3. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall consult with the countries with volume and
quantity of goods mainly imported into Vietnam and being allocated quotas
4. If
the import quotas exceed 01 year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall
loosen the import quotas and tariff-rate quotas for the imposition of the
subsequent years
5. The
customs authority shall cooperate with the Minister of Industry and Trade in
monitoring and managing the imposition of import quotas and tariff-rate quotas.
Chapter IV.
Article 55. Dossiers for review of the imposition of trade
dossiers for review of the imposition of trade remedies (hereinafter referred
to as dossiers for review) shall include:
Application for review of the imposition of trade remedies according to the
form promulgated by the investigating authority;
2. Other
documents and information deems necessary by the requesting party.
Article 56. Verification of dossiers for review
1. Within
15 days from the receipt of the dossier for review, the investigating authority
shall notify the organization/individual on the adequacy and validity of the
dossier for review. If the dossier for review is not adequate or valid, the
investigating authority shall request supplementation from the
2. Within
30 days after the receipt of the satisfactory dossier for review, the
investigating authority shall review the dossier and send it to the Minister of
Industry and Trade for considering the review of the imposition of trade
Article 57. Questionnaire for review
1. Within
15 days since the issuance of the decision on review, the investigating
authority shall send the questionnaire for review to the following subjects:
a) The
review requesting party;
b) The
reviewed party;
c) Other
involved parties deemed necessary by the investigating authority.
2. Within
30 days after receiving the questionnaires for review, the concerned parties
must provide written replies to all questions in the questionnaire. This time
limit may be extended once by the investigating authority but not more than 30
days based on the written request for extension of the concerned party.
3. The
questionnaires shall be considered having reached the recipients after 07
working days from the date on which they were sent by the investigating
authority. The sending date shall be determined according to the postmark.
Article 58. Submission of the dossiers for review at the
request of concerned parties
1. Within
60 days before the end of one year from the date of issuance of the decision on
the imposition of official anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures or
the latest decision on the results of the review of anti-dumping measures,
countervailing measures, the concerned parties as prescribed in Article 59
hereof may submit the dossiers for review, except for cases where the
submission deadline is less than 09 months before the time limit for the
Minister of Industry and Trade to decide whether to carry out the final review
of anti-dumping or countervailing measures.
2. The
contents of the dossier for review shall comply with the form promulgated by
the investigating authority
Article 59. The review requesting party
following organizations and individuals may submit dossiers for review of the
imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing measures in accordance with
Article 58 hereof:
1. Domestic
producers as provided for in Clause 2 of Article 79 and Clause 2 of Article 87
of the Law on foreign trade management.
2. Foreign
producers and exporters which may submit dossiers for review of the imposition
of official anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures of such foreign
producers and exporters;
3. Importers
of goods subject to anti-dumping and countervailing measures;
4. Governments
of foreign producers and exporters which may submit dossiers for review of the
imposition of official anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures of
such foreign producers and exporters;
Article 60. Contents of the review at the request of
concerned parties
investigating authority shall conduct the review of one or more of the
following contents, based on the contents requested by the concerned parties:
1. The
dumping margin, the level of subsidy of one, some or all of the foreign
producers and exporters
2. Commitments
to eliminate dumping and subsidies of one, some or all of the foreign producers
and exporters who commit;
3. Damages
of the domestic industry and the causal relationship between the dumping on
goods/ good subsidies of relevant foreign producers and exporters and the
damage to domestic industry
4. Scope
of imposition of anti-dumping measure and countervailing measure.
Article 61. Decision on the review result at the request of
concerned parties
1. Within
15 days since the date on which the investigating authority submit the review
conclusion, the Minister of Industry and Trade shall issue the decision on the
review result of the imposition of trade remedies.
2. Based
on the review conclusion of the investigating authority, the Minister of
Industry and Trade shall promulgate one of the following decisions:
Adjustment or non-adjustment to the imposition of anti-dumping and
countervailing measures based on the review results under Article 60 hereof:
Termination of the imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing measures in
cases where the conclusions on the review determine that the anti-dumping or
countervailing measures are no longer necessary to remedy the damage of the
domestic industry or the domestic industry will no longer suffer damage if
anti-dumping or countervailing measures are terminated.
3. The
adjustment to the imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing measures
specified in Point a Clause 2 this Article shall not affect the time limit for
the effective imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing measures.
Article 62. Submission of the dossiers for final review
1. At
least 12 months before the decision on imposition of anti-dumping measures and
countervailing measures expires, the investigating authority shall announce the
receipt of dossiers for final review of imposition of anti-dumping measures and
countervailing measures
2. Within
30 days since the notice of the investigating authority, the domestic producer
representing the domestic industry according to Clause 2 Article 79 and Clause
2 Article 87 of the Law on foreign trade management may submit the dossiers for
final review of imposition of anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures
Article 63. Contents of the final review of imposition of
anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures
1. The
investigating authority shall carry out final review to assess the possibility
of continuation or recurrence of dumping or subsidizing acts causing damage to
domestic industries in case of termination of anti-dumping
measures/countervailing measures.
2. The
final review of imposition of anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures
shall include the following contents:
a) The
possibility of imported goods being dumped, subsidized if anti-dumping or
anti-subsidy measures are terminated;
b) The
possibility that a domestic industry suffers or may suffer from serious damage
if anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures are terminated
c) The
causal relationship between the possibility of dumping on imports/import
subsidies and the damage that likely occurs to a domestic industry.
Article 64. Decision on the result of the final review of
imposition of anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures
Based on
the review conclusion of the investigating authority, the Minister of Industry
and Trade shall promulgate one of the following decisions:
1. Extension
of the imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing measures if the final
review determines that elimination of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures may
result in the continuation or recurrence of dumping on goods or good subsidies
which cause damage to the domestic industry.
2. Termination
of the imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing measures in cases the
requesting domestic producers withdraw their requests for review or the final
conclusion of the investigating authority determines that there is no
possibility of continuation or recurrence of dumping on goods or good subsidies
that causes damage to the domestic industry.
Article 65. Determination of new exporters
1. “New
exporter” refers to the producers or exporters of the exporting country have
been subject to anti-dumping, countervailing measures and did not export goods
subject to investigation into Vietnam during the initial investigation period.
2. New
exporters may submit dossiers for review of the imposition of anti-dumping and
countervailing measures when the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The
new exporter has no relationship with the organizations and individuals subject
to anti-dumping and countervailing measures in accordance with Article 5
b) The
exporter has actually exported the goods to Vietnam after the investigation
period determined by the investigating authority in the initial investigation;
c) The
volume and quantity of exports to Vietnam at the time of submission of the
request for review must be large enough so that the investigating authority can
determine the reasonable export price.
3. New
exporters may submit dossiers for review after the decision on imposition of
anti-dumping and countervailing measures takes effect.
Article 66. Contents of the review of new exporters
review of new exporters shall include the following contents:
1. The
separate dumping margin and level of subsidy of the new exporter;
2. Conditions
for imposition of anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures applied to
the new exporter.
Article 67. Decision on the result of the review of new
Based on
the conclusion on review of new exporters of the investigating authority, the
Minister of Industry and Trade shall promulgate one of the following decisions:
1. Imposition
of separate anti-dumping measures and countervailing measures to new exporters;
2. Continuation
of the imposition of the effective anti-dumping or countervailing measures in
case the new exporter withdraws the request for review or does not cooperate in
the review process.
Article 68. Midterm review of the imposition of safeguard
1. If
the duration of imposition of safeguard measures (including duration of imposition
of temporary safeguard measures) is more than 03 years, the Minister of
Industry and Trade shall carry out the midterm review of the imposition of
safeguard measures.
2. Based
on the midterm review conclusion of the investigating authority, the Minister
of Industry and Trade shall promulgate one of the following decisions:
Continue the imposition of safeguard measures;
Mitigate the imposition of safeguard measures;
Terminate the imposition of safeguard measures.
Article 69. Final review of the imposition of safeguard
1. At
least 09 months before the decision on imposition of safeguard measures
expires, the investigating authority shall announce the receipt of dossiers for
final review of imposition of safeguard measures. Within 30 days since the
announcement of the investigating authority, organizations and individuals may
submit the dossier for final review of imposition of safeguard measures.
2. The
final review of imposition of safeguard measures shall include the following
Determine the level of increase of imports into Vietnam since the safeguard
measure was applied;
Assess the situation of production and business activities of the domestic
industry since the safeguard measure was applied;
Adjustments of the domestic industry since the safeguard measure was applied;
d) The
possibility of serious damage or threat to cause serious damage to the domestic
industry if the safeguard measures are terminated.
3. The
decision on result of the final review of imposition of safeguard measures
shall include the following contents:
a) Renew
or not renew the imposition of safeguard measures;
Adjust the level of imposition of safeguard measures;
Adjust the scope of imposition of safeguard measures;
Article 70. Submission of dossiers by relevant parties
1. The
following organizations and individuals may submit dossiers for review:
Domestic producers;
Foreign producers and exporters;
Organizations and individuals using the imports.
2. The
Minister of Industry and Trade shall consider the review of the scope of goods
subject to trade remedies based on the dossiers for review.
Article 71. Contents of review of scope of goods subject to
trade remedies
review of scope of goods subject to trade remedies shall include the following
1. Comparison
of imports and similar goods or directly competitive goods produced
2. Alternative
capacity of imported goods;
3. Capacity
to produce similar goods or directly competitive goods of the domestic
Article 72. Decisions on the result of review of scope of
goods subject to trade remedies
Based on
the review conclusion of the investigating authority, the Minister of Industry
and Trade shall promulgate one of the following decisions:
1. Do
not adjust scope of goods subject to trade remedies
2. Narrow
the scope of goods subject to trade remedies
3. Exempt
from trade remedies applied to specific importers
Chapter V
Article 73. Expansion of the scope of imposition of trade
scope of imposition of trade remedies may be expanded for goods evading from
trade remedies as follows:
1. Raw
materials, components or materials from countries subject to trade remedies
imported into Vietnam for the production of goods subject to trade remedies;
2. Goods
similar to those being subjected to trade remedies from in a third country and
such goods use raw materials, components or materials from countries subject to
trade remedies;
3. Imports
from countries subject to trade remedies which are not significantly different
from those currently subject to trade remedies;
4. Goods
subject to trade remedies transferred through a third country;
5. Goods
subject to trade remedies which may change their business form and distribution
channel to enjoy benefit from lower levels of trade remedies.
Article 74. Actions aiming to evade trade remedies through
manufacturing in Vietnam
specified in Clause 1 Article 73 hereof shall be considered aiming to evade
trade remedies through manufacturing in Vietnam if satisfied the following
1. Goods
similar to those subject to trade remedies which are manufactured from raw
materials, components or materials from countries subject to trade remedies and
are sold at a price lower than the normal price of the goods subject to trade
2. Raw
materials, components or materials from countries subject to trade remedies
imported into Vietnam for the primary purpose of producing goods subject to
trade remedies;
3. Production
and assembly activities have significantly increased in Vietnam either before
or since the issuance of the decision on investigation of the Minister of
Industry and Trade.
4. Raw
materials, components or materials from countries subject to trade remedies
amount for at least 60% of the total value of raw materials, materials or
components used for the manufacture or assembly of goods subject to trade
remedies in Vietnam.
Article 75. Value added
In cases
where the value added of goods manufactured or assembled under Article 74 of
this Decree exceeds 25% of the total cost of goods subject to trade remedies,
the importation of raw materials, components or materials are not considered
evading trade remedies. In case of necessity, the investigating authority may
consider the added value ratio in the total other production costs in
accordance with the characteristics of such production branch.
Article 76. Actions aiming to evade trade remedies through
manufacturing in a third country
specified in Clause 2 Article 73 hereof shall be considered aiming to evade
trade remedies through manufacturing in Vietnam if satisfied the following
1. The
export price of the goods exported from a third country into Vietnam is lower
than the normal price of the goods subject to trade remedies initially;
2. The
volume and quantity of similar goods imported into Vietnam account for a large
proportion of total sales of the producers and exporters
3. The
volume and quantity of similar goods imported into Vietnam have begun and
significantly increased in Vietnam either before or since the issuance of the
decision on investigation of the Minister of Industry and Trade;
4. Raw
materials, components or materials from countries subject to trade remedies
amount for at least 60% of the total value of raw materials, materials or
components of goods subject to trade remedies in Vietnam exported into Vietnam.
Article 77. Actions aiming to evade trade remedies through
insignificant changes in goods subject to trade remedies
specified in Clause 3 Article 73 hereof shall be considered aiming to evade
trade remedies through manufacturing in Vietnam if satisfied the following
1. The
volume and quantity of imported goods specified in Clause 3 Article 73 hereof
significantly increase compared to the volume and quantity of goods subject to
trade remedies imported to Vietnam of the producers and exporters.
2. The
volume and quantity of imported goods specified in Clause 3 Article 73 hereof
have significantly increased in Vietnam either before or since the issuance of
the decision on investigation of the Minister of Industry and Trade.
Article 78. Determination of insignificant changes
The insignificant
change provided for in Clause 3, Article 73 of this Decree is determined when
there is virtually no difference between imported goods and goods subject to
trade remedies in terms of characteristics, purpose, distribution channel and
Article 79. Dossiers for application of the prevention of
evasion of trade remedies
1. The
dossier for application of prevention of evasion of trade remedies includes a
written request for application of prevention of evasion of trade remedies and
related documents.
2. The
written request for application of prevention of evasion of trade remedies
includes the following contents:
a) Name,
address and other necessary information of the requesting party;
Description of the imports subject to application of prevention of trade remedy
evasion, including scientific names, trade names, common names; ingredient;
basic physical and chemical characteristics; production process; main purpose;
Vietnam and international standards/regulations; codes of goods in accordance
with the List of Imports and Exports of Vietnam and the effective import tax
rates applied according to the export tariffs and import tariffs in each
Description of the volume and quantity of imported goods specified in Article
73 hereof;
Description of the volume and quantity of goods produced domestically;
Information on export prices of goods specified in Point b of this Clause at
the time of import into Vietnam within 12 months before the requesting party
submits the dossier or before the investigating authority prepare the dossier
under the decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade;
Information, data and evidences of actions aiming to evade trade remedies
claimed by the requesting party;
g) Name,
address and other necessary information of all requested party;
Specific requirements on the application of prevention of evasion of trade
remedies, the duration and the extent of imposition.
Article 80. Preparation of the dossier for application of the
prevention of evasion of trade remedies in the absence of requesting party
If no
one requests for application but there are clear evidences of the evasion of
trade remedies, the investigating authority shall prepare a dossier for
application of the prevention of evasion of trade remedies and submit it to the
Minister of Industry and Trade for considering the investigation.
Article 81. Procedures and contents of the investigation
Within 15 days after the receipt of the application, the investigating
authority shall review the adequacy and validity of such application.
2. If
the application is not adequate or valid, the investigating authority shall
request the supplementation from the organization/individual and such organizations
and individuals shall supplement the missing contents at the request of the
investigating authority within 30 days since the issuance of such request.
3. Within
45 days after the receipt of the satisfactory dossier, the Minister of Industry
and Trade shall consider the investigation based on the results of examination
of dossiers of the investigating authority.
4. The
investigation for prevention of evasion of trade remedies includes the
following contents:
Determination of actions aiming to evade trade remedies;
b) The
change of trade flows from the originating or exporting countries after the
effective date of the decision on application of trade remedies and this change
is the cause of such evasion.
Damage to the domestic industry or the reduced effectiveness of the effective
trade remedies.
Article 82. Investigation time limit
1. The
time limit for investigation of evasion of trade remedies shall not exceed 06
months since the issuance of the investigation decision.
2. In
special cases, the Minister of Industry and Trade may extend the investigation
but it shall not exceed 06 months.
Article 83. Application of the prevention of evasion of trade
1. Within
15 days since the date on which the investigating authority submit the final conclusion,
the Minister of Industry and Trade shall decide whether to apply or not apply
the prevention of evasion of trade remedies.
2. If
the Minister of Industry and Trade decide to apply the prevention of evasion of
trade remedies, the effective trade remedies will be extended to each producer
or exporter of goods described in Article 73 of this Decree and confirmed the
existence of acts aiming to evade trade remedies .
3. The
time limit for the application of the prevention of evasion of trade remedies
ends when the time limit for the application of the initial trade remedy ceases
to be valid.
Chapter VI
Article 84. Principles
1. Assistance
for Vietnamese traders subject to trade remedy investigation as specified in
Article 76 of the Law on foreign trade management shall be carried out on the
basis of the written requests of relevant traders and trade associations.
2. The
initiation of a lawsuit against importing countries specified in Article 90 of
this Decree shall be carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the
basis of collected information and after the coordination and exchange with the
ministries, ministerial agencies and other competent agencies, shall be
reported to the Prime Minister and be approved the plan of lawsuit.
3. The
Ministry of Finance shall ensure the particular budget for trader assistance in
accordance with Article 76 of the Law on foreign trade management.
4. Assisting
activities to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of Vietnamese traders
shall comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law and international agreements
to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a party.
Article 85. Provision of information related to the case
information provided to traders as specified in Point a Clause 1 Article 76 of
the Law on foreign trade management shall be the information published by
relevant authorities of the importing country or permitted to be published in
accordance with provisions of international agreements to which the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam is a party.
Article 86. Early warning system of foreign trade
remedy lawsuit
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall develop and operate an early warning
system on the possibility of foreign trade remedy proceedings to inform
enterprises and trade associations to prevent and prepare for the cases
2. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall promulgate the organization and operation
of the early warning system.
Article 87. Exchange with importing countries that are
conducting trade remedy investigation into Vietnamese exports
exchange with the importing country investigating the imposition of trade
remedies as stipulated in Point b, Clause 1, Article 76 of the Law on Foreign
Trade Management shall be carried out in appropriate forms presided over by the
Ministry of Industry and Trade and shall comply with the provisions of
Vietnamese law and international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam is a party.
Article 88. Assistance in cases in which Vietnamese traders
are subject to countervailing measure investigation
Vietnamese traders are subject to countervailing measure investigation as
specified in Clause 2 Article 76 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management,
the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall establish a plan to cooperate with
relevant authorities of the importing country as follows:
1. Conduct
consultation with the foreign investigating authority on accused subsidy
programs of Vietnam;
2. Provide
information and documents related to the accused subsidy programs of Vietnam at
the request of the foreign investigating authority in accordance with
regulations of effective laws;
3. Cooperate
with the foreign investigating authority in site investigat6ion of the accused
subsidy programs of Vietnam;
4. Other
appropriate activities.
Article 89. Preparation of the plan for requesting
compensation and retaliation in cases where Vietnamese traders are subject to
trade remedy investigation
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and coordinate with concerned
ministries, ministerial agencies and organizations and
individuals in preparing the plan for requesting compensation under
international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a party
and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.
2. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and consult with concerned
authorities of the importing country on the approved plan for requesting
compensation approved in Clause 1 of this Article and issue the decision on
specific implementation of the plan
3. If the
Government of Vietnam and the Government of the importing country cannot reach
an agreement on compensation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take
charge, coordinate with concerned ministries, ministerial agencies,
organizations and individuals in preparing a retaliation plan under
international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a party
and report it to the Prime Minister for approval and promulgation of the
decision on implementation of the approved retaliation plan.
4. Procedures
for carrying out the request for compensation and retaliation shall
comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law and international agreements to
which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a party.
Article 90. Suing the import country for the violations of
relevant international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and coordinate with other
ministries, ministerial agencies and competent regulatory bodies in
considering and initiating the lawsuit in accordance with Point c, Clause 1,
Article 76 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on the basis of collected
information or at the written proposal of the concerned traders or trade
associations, report it to the Prime Minister and carry out the approved
lawsuit plan.
2. In
cases where the concerned trader or trade associations submit their written
requests for initiation of lawsuits, the written requests must contain the
following contents:
Description of trade remedies investigated and imposed by the foreign country;
Damage caused by the trade remedy investigation specified in Point a of this
Description of violations of relevant international treaties to which the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory;
Proposals of the traders, trade associations;
Other relevant information and documents deemed necessary by the traders or
trade associations.
3. The
procedures for suing the importing country that is conducting trade remedy
investigation shall comply with international treaties to which the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory
4. Information
and documents in the process of reviewing and evaluating before initiating
lawsuits, in the process of lawsuit or information requested by concerned
parties for confidentiality shall be regarded as confidential information
according to effective law provisions.
5. Relevant
traders and trade associations which have sent written requests as specified in
Clause 2 of this Article shall fully coordinate with the Ministry of Industry
and Trade in the process of suing the importing country that is conducting
trade remedy investigation.
Article 91. Participation in related parties in trade remedy
cases and third parties in disputes at the World Trade Organization regarding
trade remedies
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall consider and register the participation in
related parties when a foreign country conducts trade remedy investigation into
Vietnamese exports.
2. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall consider and register the third-party
participation in a dispute settlement case at the World Trade Organization if
the case is in connection with rights and interests of Vietnam in trade remedy field.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade may consult with concerned ministries and
branches for consideration and registration of participation if necessary.
3. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade may consider providing information and documents
during the participation in a third party as specified in Clause 2 of this
Article on the basis of written requests of organizations or individuals,
provided that such documents and information may be published in accordance
with international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a
Article 92. Use of legal consultancy services
1. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall consider using legal consultancy services
during the implementation of the provisions of Article 76 of the Law on Foreign
Trade Management. Ministries and ministerial agencies shall coordinate with the
Ministry of Industry and Trade in selecting legal consultancy services at the
written requests of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2. The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall stipulate the criteria for selecting
appropriate legal consultancy services.
3. The
Ministry of Finance shall ensure the particular budget for use of legal
consultancy services in assistance for traders in accordance with Article 76 of
the Law on foreign trade management.
Article 93. Coordination mechanism between regulatory bodies,
trade associations and traders
1. Coordination
mechanism between regulatory bodies, trade associations and traders is based on
the following principles:
a) The
Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take charge and coordinate with
ministries, ministerial agencies, provincial People's Committees, other
competent regulatory bodies and concerned organizations and individuals in the
assistance for traders in accordance with Article 76 of the Law on Foreign
Trade Management;
Ministries, ministerial agencies, provincial People's Committees, other
competent regulatory bodies and relevant organizations, individuals shall be
responsible for the information, documents and evaluation opinions provided to
the Ministry of Industry and Trade during the handling of trade remedies
applied to Vietnamese exports.
2. The
coordination contents shall be conducted as follows:
Ministries, ministerial agencies, provincial People's Committees and other
competent regulatory bodies shall, within their powers and functions, supply
information, documents and evaluation opinions at the request of the Ministry
of Industry and Trade, explain their contents when the foreign investigating
authority conducts site investigation under the regulations of the Ministry of
Industry and Trade;
b) Trade
associations shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in
monitoring information on export markets in order to assess the risks for
foreign trade remedy investigation into Vietnamese exports, report information
related to the foreign trade remedy investigation, impose trade remedies to
members, consider participating in parties involved in the case and carry out
other activities at the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
c) The
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall, within its functions and
powers, coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in guiding and
assisting traders subject to foreign trade remedy investigation, carry out other
assisting activities at the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Vietnamese representative missions in foreign countries shall collect and
monitor the information and notices of the concerned authorities of the
importing country on trade remedies and promptly report them to the Ministry of
Industry and Trade, assist in the selection of legal consultancy services at
the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
dd) The
Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in
assisting traders in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, requesting
the customs authorities to promptly provide import and export data at the
request of the agencies related to the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
e) The
Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and
Trade in assisting traders in accordance with the provisions of this chapter
and direct the Vietnamese representative missions in foreign countries to
take the initiative in working with concerned authorities of the importing
country to study, monitor and sum up the information on the case, promptly
report them to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and coordinate with the
Ministry of Industry and Trade in preparing settlement plans;
g) The
judiciary shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in assisting
traders in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and coordinate in
studying and evaluating legal provisions of the World Trade Organization and
other countries on trade remedies;
Traders who have submitted written requests for assistance shall coordinate
with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in handling the cases and be
responsible for the information and documents supplied to the Ministry of
Industry and Trade.
Chapter VII
Article 94. Effect
1. This
Decree takes effect from January 15, 2018.
2. The
following Decrees shall expire from the day on which this Decree comes into
Decree No. 150/2003/ND-CP dated December 8, 2003 of the Government detailing
the implementation of the ordinance on safeguards in the import of foreign
goods into Vietnam;
Decree no. 89/2005/ND-CP dated July 11, 2005 of the Government detailing the
implementation of a number of articles of the ordinance on countervailing for
imports into Vietnam;
Decree no. 90/2005/ND-CP dated July 11, 2005 of the Government detailing the
implementation of a number of articles of the ordinance on anti-dumping for
imports into Vietnam;
Decree No. 04/2006/ND-CP dated January 09, 2006 of the Government on
establishment, functions, duties, powers, organizational structure of council
for handling cases of anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard.
Article 95. Implementation responsibilities
1. The
Minister of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for organizing the
implementation of this Decree.
2. The
Ministry of Finance shall guide the procedures for collection and remittance
into state budget of receivables from trade remedies applied to goods imported
into Vietnam, procedures for refund of trade remedy tax.
3. Ministers,
heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies Presidents of
People’s Committees of provinces shall be responsible for implementing this
Section 96. Transition clause
From the
day on which this Decree comes into force, cases of safeguards whose documents
on complaint and investigation are received by the competent authority before
this Decree comes into force shall continue to be considered and dealt with
according to regulations of the Decree No. 150/2003/ND-CP dated December 8,
2003 detailing the implementation of the ordinance on safeguards in the import
of foreign goods into Vietnam, Decree no. 89/2005/ND-CP dated July 11, 2005
detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the ordinance on
countervailing for imports into Vietnam and Decree no. 90/2005/ND-CP dated July
11, 2005 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the ordinance
on anti-dumping for imports into Vietnam./.
Nguyen Xuan Phuc

Head Office: LK9-38, 5 General Soldier Residence, Tan Trieu, Thanh Tri Hanoi